Let's create three-dimensional figures by moving plane figures parallel!

Parallel translation of a triangle

Moving a triangle parallel

The triangle is moved in a direction vertical to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the triangle?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a triangle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a triangle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Parallel translation of squares

Moving a rectangle parallel

The rectangle is moved in a direction vertical to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the rectangle?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a rectangle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a rectangle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Moving squares of various forms parallel

A square is moved in a direction vertical to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the square? Carry out research by changing the form of the square.

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a quadrangle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a quadrangle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Parallel translation of a circle

Moving a circle parallel

A circle is moved in a direction vertical to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the circle?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a circle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a circle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Parallel translation of squares (2)

Moving a rectangle parallel (part 2)

The rectangle is moved in a direction diagonal to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the rectangle?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a rectangle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a rectangle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Moving squares of various forms parallel (part 2)

A square is moved in a direction diagonal to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the square? Carry out research by changing the form of the square.

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a quadrangle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a quadrangle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Parallel translation of a circle (2)

Moving a circle parallel (part 2)

A circle is moved in a direction diagonal to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the circle? A cylinder? Or…

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving a circle parallel

This is the figure created from moving a circle parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Parallel translation of an ellipse

Moving an ellipse parallel

An ellipse is moved in a direction diagonal to the surface. What kind of a figure is created by the outline formed by moving the ellipse? A cylinder? Or…

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

The figure created by the outline formed from moving an ellipse parallel

This is the figure created from moving an ellipse parallel. What characteristics does it have?

Cabri3D File Flash Movie

Let's create three-dimensional figures by moving plane figures parallel! Let's create three-dimensional figures by rotating plane figures! Let's create surfaces of three-dimensional figures by moving line segments!
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Copyright (C) 2006 Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University All rights reserved.