Create various three-dimensional figures by moving (aligning) line segments.
Outline: "constructing the sides of three-dimensional figures by moving segments"

Learning activities ... Learning activities     Teacher's instructions/guide ... Teacher's instructions/guide     Evaluation (expected student responses)   ... Evaluation (expected student responses)   

Regarding the necessary software data for using "Cabri 3D File" and "Flash Movie" on the pages, please review [Installing necessary software] .
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Learning content

Learning activities Think about the types of three-dimensional figures that can be constructed with segment's and moving them .
Teacher's instructions/guide Ask if there are any methods of creating a column and conic solid other than the already confirmed methods.
Teacher's instructions/guide Show a model created by erecting a bamboo skewer on the perimeter of a plane.
Learning activities Set learning as observation while moving a line segment and imaging the side of a cylinder.
Creation of a side of a cylinder with a line segment cabri
Creation of a side of a cylinder with a line segment: with the side surface cabri
Learning activities Observe while individually operating Cabri 3D.
Teacher's instructions/guide Respond to any students puzzled using the computer.
Teacher's instructions/guide Show how to create the side of a cylinder using a line segment.
Creation of the side of a cylinder with a line segment Flash
Learning activities 線分を動かして、円錐の側面をイメージしながら観察する学習を位置付ける。
Creation of the side of a cylinder with a line segment cabri
Creation of a side of a cone with a line segment: with the side surface cabri
Learning activities Observe while individually operating Cabri 3D.
Teacher's instructions/guide Respond to any students puzzled using the computer.
Teacher's instructions/guide Show how to create the side of a cone using a line segment.
Creation of a side of a cone with a line segment Flash
Learning activities Set learning as observation while moving line segments and imaging the sides of a quadrangular prism and of a quadrangular pyramid.
Creation of sides of a quadrangular prism with line segments cabri
Creation of sides of a quadrangular prism with line segments: with the side surfaces Flash cabri
Creation of sides of a quadrangular pyramid with line segments cabri
Creation of sides of a quadrangular pyramid with line segments: with the side surfaces Flash cabri
Teacher's instructions/guide ompare the structures of each side of the cylinder, cone, quadrangular prism, and quadrangular pyramid, and ask about their "common points" and "different points."
Learning activities Summarize that the sides of any of the three-dimensional figures can be created by moving (a) line segment(s) and by a set of line segments.
Learning activities Summarize the differences between the "quadrangular pyramid" and "cylinder/cone/quadrangular prism."
Evaluation (expected student responses) Describe that it is possible to view the column and conic solid as sets of line segments and as three-dimensional figures created by moving (a) line segments.
Evaluation (expected student responses) Describe that only the length of the line segments of the "quadrangular pyramid" is not constant.
Teacher's instructions/guide Ask about the differences that can be found between the three-dimensional figures created by parallel translations or rotation of the plane surface(s) and the three-dimensional figures constructed with a set of line segments. Then confirm that a difference exists whether the inside is full or not.
Learning activities Concretely confirm using the models shown below.cabri3D

Expected responses from the students

I can only think about moving and rotating (a) plane surface(s) and about a development.
B When the bamboo skewer is viewed as a line segment, a column appears to be created by aligning line segments.
It seems that not only columns but also conic solids can be created.
cabri3D When the segment line is moved around the circumference, it seems that a cylinder can be created.
It is definitely possible to create them, but shapes with no thing inside (only the sides) are created, differing from when moving and rotating (a) plane surface(s).
cabri3D The side of a cone is created when one end of a line segment is fixed in place while the other rotates .
Similar to cylinders, in the case of cones it is possible to create the sides by moving line segments whose lengths are equivalent .
A quadrangular prism can be similarly formed as the cylinder and cone.
It seems that a quadrangular pyramid can also be created by moving line segments.
J However, the length of the line segments is constant in the case of the column and cone, but the length of the line segments of quadrangular pyramids is different in places and not constant.
K The three dimensional figures created by parallel translations and rotation of the plane surface(s) are solid inside, but the three-dimensional figures created with a set of line segments are not.
L Creating three-dimensional figures with a set of line segments means that only the shell is created. They appear to be like bird cages.

In addition, all copy rights of the unit structure, Class development, and worksheets belong to Hitoshi Arai (affiliation: Nagano City Yanagimachi junior high school).

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Copyright (C) 2006 Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University All rights reserved.