Create stamps using (cutting with a plane) cubes (rubber erasers).
Outline: “cutting cubes, and observation of the cut surfaces”

Learning activities ... Learning activities     Teacher's instructions/guide ... Teacher's instructions/guide     Evaluation (expected student responses)   ... Evaluation (expected student responses)   

Regarding the necessary software data for using "Cabri 3D File" and "Flash Movie" on the pages, please review [Installing necessary software] .
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Learning content

Learning activities Through making stamps by cutting cubic rubber erasers, observe the produced shapes of the cut surfaces.
Teacher's instructions/guide While actually cutting models, concretely show how to create the stamps.
Teacher's instructions/guide Show actual objects cut out in the form of such figures as a regular triangle and a hexagon.
Teacher's instructions/guide Set learning as observation of the cut area when the cube is cut.
Cutting a cube through a plane:Part.1 Flash
Cutting a cube through a plane:Part.1 cabri
Learning activities Observe while individually operating Cabri 3D.
Learning activities Respond to any students puzzled using the computer.
Teacher's instructions/guide Request students to think aboutwhere the cut areas' sides will appear.
Learning activities Notice that various shapes can be produced according to cutting method, and that there are shapes that can never be created.
Learning activities Regarding the shapes that cannot be created, think about why.
Teacher's instructions/guide Reconfirm the method of changing observation direction (viewpoint) as needed, and request observation from various directions with regard to where the same cutting method was used.
Teacher's instructions/guide Let the students focus on the types of positional relation ship s that the surfaces of the cube have with each other.
Evaluation (expected student responses) Willingly u ndertake the cutting of the cube, and summarize anything that w as noticed through observation.
Evaluation (expected student responses) Based on the cutting experience, describe that a regular pentagon can never be created.

Expected responses from the students

If the cube is used as a stamp as it is, it is a regular square.
When a corner is cut off, a triangle can easily be created.
A circle can never be created.
It is definitely possible to know the shape that will be created using various cutting methods and by then observing the shape of the cut area.
”Cutting through a plane” was requested, but it is difficult.
The meaning of cutting through a plane is easy to underst an d.
Lines are shown where the cut plane surfaces and the cube's sides cross.
Even when one cutting method is used, how it appears seems to differ according to the observation direction.
The shapes shown as stamps coincide with the shapes of the cut area seen from the anterior.
Triangle-shaped cut areas appear to be acute triangles only .
R egular triangles, regular squares, and regular hexagons can be created, but it seems to be impossible to create a regular pentagon no matter what. Why is this ?

In addition, all copy rights of the unit structure, Class development, and worksheets belong to Hitoshi Arai (affiliation: Nagano City Yanagimachi junior high school).

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Copyright (C) 2006 Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University All rights reserved.