Think about why a regular pentagon cannot be created. (1)
Outline: "explanation of the reason why a cube's cut surface can not be a regular pentagon.

Learning activities ... Learning activities     Teacher's instructions/guide ... Teacher's instructions/guide     Evaluation (expected student responses)   ... Evaluation (expected student responses)   

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Learning content

Teacher's instructions/guide Present again the sketch submitted the previous time, and confirm that it seemed to be possible to create a "regular triangle," a "rhombus," and a "regular hexagon" when the cube was cut through a plane.
Learning activities Regarding the case where a cut surface become a "regular triangle," a "rhombus," or a "regular hexagon," observe them from various directions using Cabri 3D.
A regular triangle Flash
Cutting of a cube: sample 1 cabri
A rhombus Flash
Cutting of a cube: sample 2 cabri
A hexagon-shaped cut surface Flash
Cutting of a cube: sample 3 cabri
Learning activities Based on the content learned the previous time, confirm that it seemed to be impossible to create a regular pentagon when the cube was cut through a plane.
Teacher's instructions/guide Ask: "Is it true that a regular pentagon cannot be created no matter what cutting method is used?"
Teacher's instructions/guide Present a sketch that looks like a regular pentagon, and request observation of an actual cubic object created from Sty r ofoam.
Teacher's instructions/guide With operations in mind regarding the question, "Is it true that a regular pentagon cannot be created?" set learning as observation of the cut area when the cube was cut.
A cut surface of a pentagon Flash
Cutt ing of a cube: part 2 cabri
Learning activities Observe while individually operating Cabri 3D.
Learning activities Think about why a regular pentagon cannot be created.
Teacher's instructions/guide Ask if there is a common point that can be said regarding pentagons appearing on the cut surface.
Evaluation (expected student responses) Through various cut s and observation, describe inductively that it seems to be impossible to create a regular pentagon.

Expected responses from the students

A regular triangle, regular square, and regular hexagon were produced when the cube was cut through various planes.
B It appears to be an isosceles triangle according to the observation direction. However, when viewed from the anterior, it can be understood that a regular triangle is created.
C It is difficult to know the actual shape of the cut surface when they are not viewed from the anterior. It is important to make observ ations from various directions .
D A regular triangle, regular square and regular hexagon were definitely created. But is it true that a regular pentagon cannot be created?
E When the sketch drawn by the teacher is seen , it appears to be a regular pentagon, but it is probably necessary to observe it from various directions.
The cube was actually cut, but it was impossible to create a regular pentagon. Thus, it indeed appears to be impossible to create it. Is it possible to explain the reason why ?
G It appears to be a regular pentagon.
H cabri3D Even when the same cutting method is used, the cut surface look s different according to the observation direction. Thus, it is necessary to observe it by changing observation direction even though it does appear to be a regular pentagon.
cabri3DEven though it appears to be a regular pentagon, it can be understood that it is indeed not a regular pentagon when the observation direction is changed.

In addition, all copy rights of the unit structure, Class development, and worksheets belong to Hitoshi Arai (affiliation: Nagano City Yanagimachi junior high school).

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Copyright (C) 2006 Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University All rights reserved.