Let's create stamps of various shapes by cutting three-dimensional figures other than a cube.(1)
Outline: "cutting cylinder s and cone s , and observation of the cut surfaces"

Learning activities ... Learning activities     Teacher's instructions/guide ... Teacher's instructions/guide     Evaluation (expected student responses)   ... Evaluation (expected student responses)   

Regarding the necessary software data for using "Cabri 3D File" and "Flash Movie" on the pages, please review [Installing necessary software] .
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Learning content

Teacher's instructions/guide Ask: "What kinds of three-dimensional figures need to be cut in order to create stamps that includ e a curved line?"
Learning activities Think about the three-dimensional figures that include a curved line, and realize that a sphere, cylinder, or cone need s to be used.
Teacher's instructions/guide Demonstrate how to cut a sphere.
Teacher's instructions/guide Set learning as observation of the cut area when a sphere is cut.
Cutting of a sphere through a plane cabri

Learning activities Observe while individually operating Cabri 3D.
Teacher's instructions/guide Respond to any students puzzled using the computer.
Evaluation (expected student responses) Describe that, no matter how the sphere is cut, the cut surface will always be a circle.
Learning activities Observe similarly in the case of cutting a cylinder.
Cutting of a cylinder:
from free directions
Cutting of a cylinder through a plane:
from free directions
Cutting of a cylinder through a plane:
from the right above through a vertical plane relative to the base surface
Flash cabri
Cutting of a cylinder:
from the anterior through a plane surface parallel to the base surface
Flash cabri
Evaluation (expected student responses) Describe that there are cases when a cut surface will be a shape such as a circles, ellipse, and rectangle.
Learning activities Observe similarly in the case of cutting a cone.
Cutting of a cone: from free directions Flash
Cutting of a cone through a plane: from free directions cabri
Cutting of a cone: parabola Flash
Cutting of a cone through a plane: parabola cabri
Cutting of two cones through a plane: from free directions Flash cabri
Cutting of two cones through a plane: hyperbola Flash cabri
Cutting of two cones through a plane: parabola Flash cabri
Evaluation (expected student responses) Describe that there are cases when the cut surface will be a shape s uch as a circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, or isosceles.

Expected responses from the students

S tamps that includ e a curved line can definitely be created when three dimensional figures such as a sphere or a cylinder that have a curved surface are used .
cabri3D The size of the cut surface vari es but the shape always seem s to be a circle.
C Many seal impressions are cylinder-shaped. If a cylinder is cut through a plane parallel to the rotation axis, the cut surface will be a circle.
What kind of a shape is created if it is cut diagonally?
cabri3D When it is cut through a plane unparallel to the rotation axis, an ellipse is created.
F There are cases where the ellipse will be broken at the upper or lower base, but it becomes an unbroken ellipse if the cylinder is considered to be longer.
G When it is cut through a plane parallel to the rotation axis, a rectangle is created.
I would like to observe the case where another three-dimensional figure is cut.
Similar to the cylinder, there are cases when a circle or an ellipse is created.
There seem to be cases where the width of the curved lines expand s further.
L cabri3D In the case of cutting a cone, an isosceles is created when it is cut through a plane that includes the vertex and that is vertical to the base surface.
J In the case of cutting a cone, a smooth curved line (hyperbola/parabola) appears.

In addition, all copy rights of the unit structure, Class development, and worksheets belong to Hitoshi Arai (affiliation: Nagano City Yanagimachi junior high school).

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Copyright (C) 2006 Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University All rights reserved.